Repose Contractors

At Repose Contractors, we specialise in the sensitive and respectful removal or remodelling of cemeteries and disused cemetery sites. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges and requirements of these projects, ensuring that every step is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Why Cemetery Clearance and Remodelling May Be Necessary

There are a variety of reasons why burial sites may need to be cleared or remodelled, including:

  1. Different Land Use: Changing the purpose of the land to meet new community needs.
  2. Infrastructure Projects: Facilitating the development of essential infrastructure such as roads and utilities.
  3. Redevelopment: Transforming the site for new construction or community projects.
  4. Upgrading Facilities: Enhancing existing cemetery facilities to meet modern standards.

Our Expertise and Services

At Repose, we provide comprehensive services to manage every aspect of cemetery clearance and remodelling. Our capabilities include:

  • Planning & Licenses: Assisting with the acquisition of necessary planning permissions and licenses.
  • Ground Surveying: Utilising radar techniques for precise ground surveying.
  • Cemetery Clearance: Removing existing structures and preparing the site for new use.
  • Crypt Repairs: Removal or repairing existing crypts.
  • Monument Removal: Carefully removing or relocating monuments.
  • Exhumations: Conducting exhumations with respect and adherence to legal requirements.
  • Reburial: Handling the respectful reburial of remains.
  • Site Remodelling: Transforming the site to meet new community needs.

Land Use and Community Development

Land use is paramount today. Reconfiguring areas of old cemeteries is one way of utilising spaces for more practical community activities. Our extensive experience enables us to offer expert guidance on a wide range of sensitive aspects related to cemetery remodelling.

At Repose Contractors, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your project requirements and demonstrate how our expertise can ensure the successful completion of your cemetery projects.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist with your needs.

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